Bantum, Random House, 2009
"The inspirational journey of a mum who turned her life around with one simple thing- her baby s pram!"
"The inspirational journey of a mum who turned her life around with one simple thing- her baby s pram! Overweight and miserable after the birth of your baby? The Pram Diet offers inspiration, hope and realistic, practical tips from a mum who turned her life around with one simple thing- her baby's pram. Many mothers with new babies find it hard to lose weight after their child is born. Sometimes it's because they lack the time to prepare nourishing food for themselves or to exercise. Sometimes it's because they're suffering from postnatal depression. Rebecca Mugridge understands - following the birth of her first child she was overweight and unhappy, and at a loss to do anything about it. Then one day she put her baby in the pram and went for a walk. Several months and a lot of pram-walking later, she had lost 30 kgs and found a new lease of life, as well as a passion to help other mums."
Published by Random House Australia